Author Archives: Brent J.

About Brent J.

I am a 20-something political junkie from Lexington, KY who is actively seeking to return to life in Washington, DC, where I lived while finishing a Master's Degree in Government last year. In the meantime, I am trying to make sure conservatives are aware that there is plenty they can do to help further the cause of conservatism, even if Sen. McCain wasn't your first (or second, or third) choice.

Good news and bad news

You may have noticed I’ve been MIA lately.  I’m moving to DC at the end of the month (good news), and until then I am living with friends and don’t really have much access to the internet.  That, plus the planning inherent in any big move, has kept me from keeping you as informed as I would like.

I’ll be back in April.

Until then, go to and support his run on New York’s 20th District.  The special election is March 31!

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Filed under New York

NY-20 Special Election date set

Sorry I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks.  Long story short, I no longer have internet access between Sunday night and Friday morning, so this has kind of fallen by the wayside.

In case you haven’t heard, we finally have a probable date for the special election in NY-20:

Gov. David Paterson announced Wednesday that the special election to fill the congressional seat vacated by Kirsten Gillibrand’s move to the U.S. Senate will likely take place Tuesday, March 31.

Paterson, speaking in the ornate Red Room at the Capitol, said he planned to issue a proclamation setting the March election date on Monday, Feb. 23.

Between now and then, Jim Tedisco’s campaign could use as many volunteers as possible.  If you’re in the area, head over to his campaign site to sign up.  You can donate to Tedisco’s campaign here.

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Filed under New York

$20 for NY-20!

The rightroots are participating in a push today to for NY-20 Congressional candidate Jim Tedisco.


The Democrat running for this seat, tax cheat venture capitalist Scott Murphy, is bringing his A-game.  That means the ability to self-fund and ride on now-Sen. Kristen Gillibrand’s coattails (something which may be a little harder now that her former constituents feel betrayed by her).

We need to level the playing field.  Please donate today and help ensure the 20th District returns to Republican hands.

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Filed under New York

News from NY-20!

I’ve been remiss in not adding the special election in New York’s 20th District to my list of races.  It is one of RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s priorities, and it is important to me as well.

The word on the street is that for now-Sen. Kristen Gillibrand’s seat to be filled, Gov. David Paterson has to call for a special election. Being a dutiful Democrat, he’s avoided doing that for the past 14 days.

Why? Because it’s a red district, and the Republican candidate, Jim Tedisco, is ahead in the polls.

We need to get on this as soon as possible. So while you’re calling you Senator about the porkulus bill, make sure to place a call to Gov. Paterson’s office as well.

His number is 518-474-8390, and you can e-mail him here.

Oh, and in keeping with Democratic Party rules, their nominee is a tax cheat.

You can donate to Jim Tedisco’s campaign here.

Also, be sure to follow Jim Tedisco on Twitter.

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Filed under New York

McDonnell ahead of all competitors

The leads range from three to nine points.  But, as Jim Geraghty points out, there is a caveat.


Filed under Virginia

Christie polls ahead of Corzine

The word on the street is that former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie beats Gov. Jon Corzine 44-38 in a new poll by Quinnipiac University.

You can donate to Chris Christie’s campaign here.

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Filed under New Jersey

Bob McDonnell to resign as Attorney General

The Washington Times reports that he’ll be stepping down from his post to concentrate on the gubernatorial race full-time:

“For the last three years, I’ve had a terrific opportunity to serve as Virginia’s 44th attorney general,” said Mr. McDonnell, the lone Republican running to replace Gov. Tim Kaine, a Democrat. “But now it’s time for me to fully begin a new challenge in my life.”


The date allows Mr. McDonnell to continue pushing his legislative agenda in the coming days, but means he will be free from the position’s requirements as the campaign heats up.

The Republican called the attorney general’s position “the best job I’ve ever had” and said he arrived at his decision with a heavy heart. But his resignation follows historical precedent: Every attorney general of either major party who is running for governor has resigned from the position since 1985, McDonnell officials said.

“A campaign for governor demands a full-time candidate,” Mr. McDonnell said. “The office of the attorney general is the commonwealth’s law firm and demands a full-time attorney general.”

This move will give Bob McDonnell a head start on the gubernatorial race while the Democrats fight it out in their primary, an opportunity that Sen. John McCain (who is campaigning for McDonnell next month) largely neglected in his presidential campaign.  It will also allow him one more week of fundraising, as the Attorney General of Virginia cannot receive campaign donations during Virginia’s legislative session.  This will help him keep his fundraising edge against Terry McAuliffe.

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Filed under Virginia

Chris Christie officially launches campaign

He’ll be starting the campaign with by visiting several New Jersey communities:

Christie plans a two-day, nine-stop campaign rollout, starting with a policy speech Wednesday morning in Newark. Later, he’ll greet voters at diners in Hamilton (Mercer County) and Westville. The candidate plans to pick up endorsements and attend a campaign rally on Thursday.

We’ll have word on those endorsements as they make the news.

I do have one criticism of the Christie campaign, though.  If they want to win, they should put more content on their campaign site.  Gov. Corzine is going to be brutal during this campaign, and Christie will need every advantage.

You can donate to the Christie campaign here.

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Filed under New Jersey

Chris Christie wins Camden straw poll

He beat former Bogota mayor Steve Lonegan 77% to 23%.

You can donate to his campaign here.

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McDonnell receives award from veterans group

Bob McDonnell accepted the Seven Seals Award from the Guard and Reserve:

“Today, we are honoring Bob McDonnell, not for his military service, for which we owe him a great deal of gratitude, but for his exceptional support of fellow Reserve and Guard members as an employer,” Trout said. “Bob McDonnell has gone above and beyond in supporting the employees in his office who are also citizen soldiers; but his support is not just for those service members in his office.”

McDonnell’s devotion to our men and women in uniform serves as a nice contrast to the current occupant of the White House, who is the first President in the 56-year history of the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball unable to find the time to attend.

You can donate to Bob McDonnell here.

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Filed under Virginia

Endorsement: Chris Christie for NJ-Gov!

I have decided to throw my support behind former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie in the 2009 New Jersey gubernatorial race.  He made his decision last week, filing papers with the state on January 9, 2009. 

While Christie is a moderate Republican, he is the best hope to take back the governorship in bluer-than-blue New Jersey in 2009.  He has made a name for himself in New Jersey during his tenure as U.S. Attorney by using the office to go after corrupt politicians – both Republican and Democrat. 

His web site is here.  However, it has not gone live yet.


Filed under New Jersey

McDonnell leads fundraising

It’s been reported that Attorney General Bob McDonnell is leading the money race in the 2009 Virginia gubernatorial election:

McDonnell, who is unopposed for the Republican nomination, raised slightly more than $1.6 million in the second half of last year, according to a report he submitted Thursday to the Virginia State Board of Elections. His campaign spent $589,000.

Terry McAulliffe, who appears to be the strongest Democrat in the race, made national news earlier this week with his fundraising raising report.  It showed that he had raised “almost” one million dollars.  Can we expect CNN to cover McDonnell’s huge haul?  (I’m not holding my breath, either.)

You can donate to Bob McDonnell’s campaign here.

Update: The Newport News Daily Press is reporting that Atty. Gen. McDonnell has $2 million in the bank.

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Filed under Virginia

Brian Moran stands up for higher gas prices…

…by standing against all offshore drilling in Virginia.

In the race to become the next governor, Brian Moran, a Democrat, broke ranks Tuesday with other candidates by vowing to fight all efforts to allow oil and natural gas drilling off the Virginia coast.


The two other Democratic contenders, state Sen. Creigh Deeds and Terry McAuliffe, have more nuanced positions than Moran, a former Northern Virginia state legislator.

Naturally the only candidate for Virginia governor standing up for American families hurting from high gas prices is Bob McDonnell.

You can donate to his campaign here.

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Filed under Virginia

Even Tim “The Eyebrow” Kaine thinks Bob McDonnell will win

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine recently stopped talking about how awesome he is long enough to comment on the 2009 gubernatorial election in Virginia.  Here’s what he had to say:

Kaine said he regards Attorney General Bob McDonnell, the likely GOP nominee, as the favorite because of the state’s “32-year curse.” Kaine was referring to the pattern in which Virginians have followed each presidential election since 1976 by electing a governor of the opposing party.

“I used to think that was a coincidence,” he said, but he now thinks it reflects “buyer’s remorse.” Presidents usually lose seats in the midterm elections, he noted.

Or, perhaps McDonnell will win because he’s right on the issues.  Or because the Democrats seem poised to elect a Clinton hack with no elective experience in Virginia or elsewhere as their candidate.

Whatever the case, I’m glad to know that this back-bencher can see the light.

You can donate to Bob McDonnell’s campaign here.

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Filed under Virginia

Mortgage Relief for Virginia

Attorney General Bob McDonnell announded that the Commonwealth of Virginia had reached a settlement with Countrywide Financial Corp to provide foreclosure relief to Virginians.

Many of those helped will be in Northern Virginia, an area that has become increasingly hard for Republicans to win, especially conservative Republicans like Bob McDonnell.

You can donate to Bob McDonnell’s campaign here.

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